Name * Name is required.
Date * Date is required.
Phone * Phone is required.
Email * Email is required.
Service * Select a service Pest Control Service Termite Control Service General Cleaning Service Water Tank Cleaning Service Other Service is required.
1. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of our fumigation or pest control services? *
5 - Excellent 4 - Very Good 3 - Good 2 - Fair 1 - Poor
Please select a rating.
2. How satisfied are you with the professionalism and expertise of our technicians? *
5 - Very Satisfied 4 - Satisfied 3 - Neutral 2 - Dissatisfied 1 - Very Dissatisfied
3. How would you evaluate the timeliness and responsiveness of our service team? *
4. How would you rate the quality of communication throughout the service process? *
5. How likely are you to recommend Wercore's services to others in Dubai? *
5 - Very Likely 4 - Likely 3 - Neutral 2 - Unlikely 1 - Very Unlikely